Friday, June 17, 2011

Yard Sale Finds

What a great day hunting! Garage sales are popping up all over the country side (and in town too). After mapping out my route, I started out early this morning and did I ever have fun! While garage sales aren't as picturesque as our auctions, the prices are sooooo much better. Here is some of the loot I managed to bring home! I tried to call Mom to tell her about one particularly awesome sale but she was at the dentist so she missed it.

This way cute comb and brush holder will look great in the cabin bathroom.

Vintage measuring cups and a biscuit cutter are going to find a home in the cabin's kitchen.

This box is just what I have been looking for to hold old bottles.

The long box will also hold bottles and jars on my breakfast table. Do you see the enamelware funnel and old canning jars?

A hammered pitcher and old brown jug will also go to the cabin.

Ten vintage books will make lovely reading for our grand daughters when they come to visit.

This frame will inspire a new project someday. Never turn down a beautiful vintage frame!!!!!

But my best find was this antique gate leg table for $25.00. Yes I said $25.00! And it is in perfect shape! The little table beside it was only $5.00 but isn't old.

Here it is with the leaves up. The legs are very beautiful.

And when I was polishing it I discovered it has a very deep drawer too. I LOVE it! I think this is my all time favorite garage sale day! I spent a total of $50.00 and many of the items are worth that all by themselves. Yippee!

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