Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another First!!!

Well, Ron finally got his first buck today. I was playing, I mean exercising with the Wii when I got a call from his cell phone. After tracking deer for 3 weeks, he had staked out a spot where it looked like they were hanging out and got a nice size buck with his cross bow. Boy was he excited. He did have to drag it up the ravine for about 30 minutes to the truck. In the snow. I helped him drag it into the back off the pickup (gross, gross, gross) and off we went to the check point and then the processing shop. Did I mention it was a little gross, but soon we will have a nice supply of trail bologna (it's an Ohio thing....) and some other cuts that I will have to learn to cook. Notice I did not post any pictures. Oh, we have them, but the icky factor was way too..... well.... icky.

1 comment:

cindy said...

Yeah!!! Great job dad.